Cannot Wait for You to Test Our company's Completely new Apple iPod 40 GB White M9268LL/A (4th Generation) OLD MODEL
Just when was the previous point you bought a product that ultimately did exactly what the manufacturer claimed it had been ideal for. In many instances the items you acquire never quite meet the pictures you are given. That is why our company can not wait for you to try our completely new Apple iPod 40 GB White M9268LL/A (4th Generation) OLD MODEL, you definitely will realize that not only does it meet all the things we have to say that it can, it goes significantly further.
At manufacturer we all know that if you acquire a new product, you do so fully expecting it to perform just as we assert it does. This really is critical to you just like you acquire a brand new Apple iPod 40 GB White M9268LL/A (4th Generation) OLD MODEL from us and it isn't going to meet our pledges, your not going to think that you're getting genuine bang for your buck. you are more likely to think that you are cheated and also would have been more satisfied to save your hard earned money.
Each new product should really transform your life in some manner, whether or not it makes a task easier or just more enjoyable. Our company's Apple iPod 40 GB White M9268LL/A (4th Generation) OLD MODEL incorporates a wealth of exclusive details that have been included in make it the most user friendly merchandise on the market today. we all know that after you have used it for the first time, you might ponder how you ever went about getting by with out them. This is what we think of as giving you genuine bang for your buck.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $399.99
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Apple iPod Digital Music MP3 Player M9268LL/A - Includes: Rechargeable Battery, Dock, Earbud headphones, AC adapter, FireWire cable, USB 2.0 cable, iTunes software, Electronic documentation, getting started guide, 1-Year Apple Warranty The iPod is becoming a reigning icon around the world. It's no wonder. This 4th generation model is thinner, easier to use, more energy efficient, and a greater value than ever. It can simply work with Apple and Windows computers. iPod now incorporates the same touch-sensitive Apple Click Wheel that debuted on iPod mini. Without lifting that trusty thumb of yours from the wheel, you can easily select playlists, scroll through thousands of songs, and start the music playing. Save multiple On-The-Go Playlists Adjust speed for Audiobooks Enjoy seamless integration with iTunes Use as a portable hard drive ? take your files with you Remind yourself with Text Notes Play games Keep appointments using the Alarm clock/Sleep Timer Stay organized with contacts/calendars/to-do lists Sync and charge with FireWire or USB 2.0 cables As for all of those CDs you already own, iTunes makes speedily transfers your favorite songs and albums. Just pop a CD into your Mac or PC, and click the Import button Voice Recorder (when used with optional microphone) - perfect for seminars and lectures About 4 hours (2-hour fast charge to 80% capacity) yields up to 12 hours use Unit Dimensions - 4.1 by 2.4 by 0.69 inches / 6.2 ounces Audio support AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 (32 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible, AIFF, Apple Lossless and WAV
- 40 GB model holds up to 10,000 songs; supports AAC (16 to 320 Kbps), MP3 (32 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible, AIFF, Apple Lossless and WAV
- Up to 12 hours battery life when fully charged (typically 4 hours); fast-charge in as little as 2 hours
- Mac OS X or Windows 2000 and XP compatible; FireWire and USB 2.0 interface for fastest digital transfer available
- Feature upgrades from previous version include new Click Wheel, slimmer case, and easier navigation
- Comes with earbud headphones, AC adapter, FireWire cable, USB 2.0 cable, and dock
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